What are hangITstrips and how do they help you when hanging pictures?
hangITstrips are paper strips with adhesive on the top that sticks to the wall and adhesive on the bottom where there is an hourglass shape to pinpoint where to put the nail or screw in your wall when hanging pictures. They simplify what was previously a challenging process of hanging pictures by ensuring your artwork is level and without extra holes in your walls.
How do hangITstrips work?
hangITstrips enable you to pinpoint the exact location to put your nail or screw and ensure that your picture is level even if the brackets are not level. Click here to see our demonstration videos for D-brackets, sawtooth, and keyhole brackets for hanging pictures.
On what types of hardware do hangITstrips work?
hangITstrips work on pictures with D-brackets, sawtooth, keyhole and even wire.
Do hangITstrips stick to any wall surface?
Yes. hangITstrips work on drywall, wood, stucco, stone or brick. Be sure the surface is clean and dry prior to adhering to the wall when hanging pictures.
Do hangITstrips pull the paint off the wall?
No. The adhesive that sticks to the wall is comparable to a painter’s tape stickiness, so it will not damage your wall when hanging pictures.
Will they work if the brackets are not the same distance from the top of the frame?
Yes. This is the real advantage of using hangITstrips. They compensate for this difference and thus ensure that your pictures are level.
Can I use hangITstrips on any type of pictures or artwork?
Yes. hangITstrips can be used on small or large pictures or various sizes and shapes.
What is the weight limit of pictures when using hangITstrips?
There is no weight limit. hangITstrips are NOT intended to hold the weight of pictures. It is necessary that you hold the weight of the picture at all times during the process. hangITstrips pinpoint the exact location of the nail or screw in your wall.
What tools will I need when hanging pictures using hangITstrips?
We suggest a torpedo level, a hammer, nails or screws (depending on the weight of your pictures), anchors if the picture or artwork is heavy and you are not nailing in a stud, and of course hangITstrips.
How many hangITstrips are in a packet?
There are a total of 16 hangITstrips in a packet - 8 large and 8 small strips.
How many hangITstrips do I need when hanging a picture?
It takes two hangITstrips when hanging a picture with two brackets (one for each d-bracket, sawtooth or keyhole). It takes one hangITstrip when hanging a picture using wire or a single bracket.
What sizes do hangITstrips come in?
There are two different sizes -- long (13.75”) and short (8.25”) -- depending on the size of the picture and/or the distance of the brackets from the top of the frame.
How do I know what size hangITstrips to use when hanging pictures?
hangITstrips come in two different sizes. You want the hangITstrips to be long enough to attach to the brackets and reach above the frame to adhere to the wall above the picture. If the brackets are at the top of the frame, then use the short hangITstrips. If the brackets are lower on the frame, then consider using the long hangITstrips.
What is the best way to learn how to use hangITstrips?
We suggest watching hangITstrips videos on our website. There is a video for each type of hardware for hanging pictures. Click here to see our demonstration videos for D-rings, sawtooth, and keyhole brackets.
If I am hanging a gallery wall, which picture should I start with?
First, use the floor, a table or bed to layout all your pictures or artwork you plan on hanging in the collection. We suggest starting from the bottom so that you will have room to adhere the hangITstrips to the wall above each picture.
Can I reuse a hangITstrip?
Unfortunately, you cannot. Once the hourglass strip breaks, it can no longer be used to pinpoint where to put the nail when hanging pictures.
What do I do if I used hangITstrips and my picture is slightly unlevel after using hangITstrips?
Remove the picture and be sure the heads of the nails/screws are straight. For example, one might be tilted down and the other may be straight. Because hangITstrips are so precise, the slightest tilt in the nail/screw could make a difference.
How can I give hangITstrips feedback on the product?
Click her to complete our Feedback Survey.
It is important to us to have integrity and ensure that hangITstrips work well. We want users of hangITstrips to have a great experience when hanging pictures. This is the whole point of the product - - to simplify a frustrating task of hanging pictures so you can get to the important things in your life. Please give us feedback on hangITstrips so that we can continuously improve our product.
What is the wait time for receiving hangITstrips once I place my order?
Your order will be processed and shipped the day it is received if ordered before 3:00 central time. We use first class mail, so you should receive your hangITstrips within a few days.
Click here to see demonstration videos on our website on how to use hangITstrips or click here to see even more videos on YouTube.
Click here to purchase hangITstrips.
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Happy Hanging!